Junior Leagues
2022 Summer League (Ages 9-15)
Registration Fee $60.00
This league welcomes all golfers between 9 and 15 years old. Excellent practice for juniors and those looking to try out for high school teams. Great way to become familiar with the rules and etiquette with friendly competition! Players must keep pace. Weekly contests, league rules, schedule of events and final tournament info given first day. Complimentary junior clinic offered to players during the league.
Dates: TBD
Time: Tee times start at 8:30 am
Location: White Mountain Golf Course
Weekly Fee: $12.00 for 9 Holes of Golf
$5 Optional Practice Bucket
2022 Fall Development League (Ages 9-15)
Registration Fee $175.00
This 5 Week program is geared to help players of all abilities become better ball strikers while improving all parts of their short game. Week to week, all aspects of the game will be covered while incorporating rules and etiquette. Video analysis of each student will be emailed weekly with lesson notes. Groups will play on the course following the clinic to allow students to apply what they learned onto the course right after the lesson. Instructor will be on course for part of the time to help with club selection and well as on course management skills.
Dates: Sept.11th - October 9th
Sundays: 10:00am -12:00
Location: White Mountain Golf Course
Weekly Fee: $14.00 weekly fee to the course